Question: Do you think that women should work outside the home full-time, part-time or not at all under the following circumstances? - When there is a child under school age.
Choices: "Work Full-time" "Work Part-time" "Stay at home"
Data: % of "Work Full-time"
9 countries/ areas
1 Sweden25.4%
2 United States17.3%
3 Canada17.2%
4 Germany 14.3%
5 France13.7%
6 Republic of Korea9.7%
7 United Kingdom6.3%
8 Japan6.1%
9 Australia3.4%

Can't choose/ No answer are excluded. Germany: unweighted sum of West and East Germany.

No data for 1 countries.

ISSP 2012

Correlations with major national performance indices
Life satisfaction (10 steps)
No. of data9
Regression equation
Y = 3.014553 X +6.311
Correlation coefficient (r)0.498
Coefficient of determination (R2)0.248

GDP per capita (current US$)
No. of data9
Regression equation
Y = 68336.682376 X +41969.689
Correlation coefficient (r)0.333
Coefficient of determination (R2)0.111

Life expectancy at birth - Both sexes (years)
No. of data9
Regression equation
Y = -8.786058 X +83.018
Correlation coefficient (r)-0.252
Coefficient of determination (R2)0.064

Fertility rate, total (births per woman)
No. of data9
Regression equation
Y = 1.084468 X +1.368
Correlation coefficient (r)0.249
Coefficient of determination (R2)0.062

Suicide, age-standardized (per 100 000 population)
No. of data9
Regression equation
Y = 2.849189 X +11.493
Correlation coefficient (r)0.047
Coefficient of determination (R2)0.002