Politics and government
Population and Family
Economy and industry
Education and media
Science and technology
Environment and energy
International relations and national identity
Agriculture and Food
Leisure, culture and Sports
[Election and Democracy] Voter turnout in the national election
[Election and Democracy] % of those who think that voting in elections is very important to be a good citizen
[Election and Democracy] Extent to which people think that it is important, in order to be a good citizen, to vote in elections
[Election and Democracy] % of those who think that voting gives people some say about how the government runs things
[Election and Democracy] % of those who think that it is important that honest elections are held regularly
[Election and Democracy] % of those who think that the last national election was fair regarding the opportunities of the candidates and parties to campaign
[Election and Democracy] % of those who think that referendums are a good way to decide important political questions
[Election and Democracy] % of those who think that it is important that people can say what they want without state/ government censorship
[Election and Democracy] % of those who think that giving people more say is the most important aim of the country out of maintaining national order/ giving people more say/ fighting rising prices/ protecting freedom of speech
[Election and Democracy] % of those who think that protecting freedom of speech is the most important aim of the country out of maintaining national order/ giving people more say/ fighting rising prices/ protecting freedom of speech
[Election and Democracy] % of those who are satisfied with the way democracy is working
[Election and Democracy] % of those who are proud of their country in the way democracy works
[Election and Democracy] Extent to which people think democracy works well in their country today
[Election and Democracy] Extent to which people think democracy worked well in their country 10 years ago
[Election and Democracy] Extent to which people think democracy will work well in their country 10 years from now
[Election and Democracy] % of those who are optimistic about the future of their country's political system
[Election and Democracy] % of those who think that their country's political system needs major reform
[Election and Democracy] % of those who think that the state is run for the benefit of all the people
[Election and Democracy] Extent to which people think it important that all citizens have an adequate standard of living
[Election and Democracy] Extent to which people think it important that government authorities respect and protect the rights of minorities
[Election and Democracy] Extent to which people think it important that people be given more opportunities to participate in public decision-making
[Election and Democracy] Extent to which people think it important that citizens may engage in acts of civil disobedience when they oppose government actions
[Election and Democracy] Extent to which people think it important that governments respect democratic rights whatever the circumstances
[Election and Democracy] Extent to which people think it important that people convicted of serious crimes lose their citizen rights
[Election and Democracy] Extent to which people think it important that long-term residents of a country, who are not citizens, have the right to vote in that countryfs national elections
[Election and Democracy] Extent to which people think it important that citizens have the right not to vote
[Election and Democracy] Extent to which people think it important that health care be provided for everyone
[Election and Democracy] % of those who think that it is important that human rights organizations are allowed to operate without interference
[Election and Democracy] % of those who think that a democratic system where citizens, not elected officials, vote directly on major national issues to decide what becomes law is good
[Election and Democracy] % of those who think that a democratic system where representatives elected by citizens decide what becomes law is good
[Election and Democracy] % of those who think that a system where a strong leader can make decisions without interference from parliament or the courts
[Election and Democracy] % of those who think that a system where experts, not elected officials, make decisions
[Election and Democracy] % of those who think that a system where the military rules the country
[Parliament] Inhabitants per parliamentarian
[Parliament] % of women in parliament
[Parliament] % of MPs 40 years of age or younger
[Parliament] % of those who have confidence in parliament
[Parliament] Degree of trust in national parliament (0-10 scale)
[Parliament] % of those who think that MPs try to keep the promises they have made during the election
[Parliament] % of those who think that the parliament considers your action if you take action against an unjust or harmful law
[Politician] Women in ministerial positions (% of all ministers)
[Politician] % of those who think that men have more opportunities of being leaders in local communities
[Politician] % of those who think that women have more opportunities of being leaders in local communities
[Politician] % of those who think that men and women have about the same opportunities of being leaders in local communities
[Politician] Average age of cabinet members
[Politician] % of those who trust politicians
[Politician] % of those who think that most elected officials care what people think
[Politician] % of those who think that most politicians are in politics only for their own interest
[Politician] % of those who think that many politicians are involved in corruption
[Politician] % of those who think that policies improve if more elected officials care were women
[Politician] % of those who think that policies improve if more elected officials care were from poor backgrounds
[Politician] % of those who think that policies improve if more elected officials care were businesspeople
[Politician] % of those who think that policies improve if more elected officials care were religious
[Politician] % of those who think that policies improve if more elected officials care were young adults
[Political party and organization] % of those who think that political parties encourage people to become active in politics
[Political party and organization] % of those who think that none of the political parties represent their views well
[Political party and organization] % of those who think that political parties do not give voters real policy choices
[Political party and organization] % of those who belong to a political party
[Political party and organization] % of those who think that people who vote for the party/the parties in government have the most influence on the actions of the government
[Political party and organization] % of those who think that it is important that opposition parties can operate freely
[Political party and organization] % of those who think that the conflicts between people who support different political parties are strong in their country
[Political party and organization] % of those who think that the conflicts between people who support different political parties are strong in the United States
[Political party and organization] Extent to which people think that it is important, in order to be a good citizen, to be active in social or political associations
[Political awareness] Degree of interest in politics (5 steps)
[Political awareness] % of those interested in politics (4 choices)
[Political awareness] % of those who think that their political position is left
[Political awareness] % of those who think that their political position is center
[Political awareness] % of those who think that their political position is right
[Political awareness] Average of political position
[Political awareness] % of those who often or sometimes discuss political matters with friends, relatives or fellow workers
[Political awareness] % of young people (-29) who often or sometimes discuss political matters with friends, relatives or fellow workers
[Political awareness] % of those who think that men have more opportunities of expressing their political views
[Political awareness] % of those who think that women have more opportunities of expressing their political views
[Political awareness] % of those who think that men and women have about the same opportunities of expressing their political views
[Political awareness] % of those who read the political content of a newspaper every day
[Political awareness] % of those who never read the political content of a newspaper
[Political awareness] % of those who use the media to obtain political news or information every day
[Political awareness] % of those who never use the media to obtain political news or information
[Political awareness] % of those who watch political news on television every day
[Political awareness] % of those who never watch political news on television
[Political awareness] % of those who listen to political news on the radio every day
[Political awareness] % of those who never listen to political news on the radio
[Political awareness] % of those who use the Internet to obtain political news or information every day
[Political awareness] % of those who never use the Internet to obtain political news or information
[Political awareness] % of those who think that following what is happening in politics in their country is very important to be a good citizen
[Political awareness] % of those who have expressed political views on the internet
[Political awareness] % of those who often or sometimes try to persuade your friends, relatives or fellow workers to share their political opinion
[Political awareness] % of those who think that others are better informed about politics and government
[Political awareness] % of those who think that they understand political issues of the country
[Political awareness] % of those who think that ordinary citizens have no political voice
[Political awareness] % of those who think that people have an influence on politics
[Political awareness] % of those who think that citizens in general has the most influence on the actions of the government
[Political awareness] % of those who do not think that the government cares much what people like them think
[Political awareness] Extent to which people think that it is important, in order to be a good citizen, to keep watch on the actions of government
[Political awareness] Extent to which people think that it is important, in order to be a good citizen, to try to understand the reasoning of people with other opinions
[Political action] % of those who would take action when the parliament considers an unjust or harmful law
[Political action] % of those who have attempted to contact a politician or a civil servant to express their views
[Political action] % of those who have donated money or raised funds for a social or political activity
[Political action] % of those who have signed a petition
[Political action] Extent to which people think that it is important, in order to be a good citizen, to choose products for political, ethical or environmental reasons, even if they cost a bit more
[Political action] % of those who take part in activities of political parties, political groups or associations once a month or more
[Political action] % of those who never take part in activities of political parties, political groups or associations
[Political action] % of those who have attended a political meeting
[Political action] % of those who would attend a public meeting organized to protest against a government action they strongly opposed
[Political action] % of those who think that it should be allowed to organise public meetings to protest against the government
[Political action] % of those who have attended demonstrations
[Political action] % of those who think that joining demonstrations about issues you think are important is very important to be a good citizen
[Political action] % of those who would go on a protest march or demonstration to protest against a government action they strongly opposed
[Political action] % of those who think that it should be allowed to organise protest marches and demonstrations
[Political action] % of those who think that people who want to overthrow the government by revolution should be allowed to hold public meetings
[Political action] % of those who think that people who want to overthrow the government by force should be allowed to hold public meetings
[Political action] % of those who think that people who want to overthrow the government by revolution should be allowed to publish books expressing their views
[Public officials] Employment in general government as % of total employment
[Public officials] % of those who trust in civil servants
[Public officials] % of those who think that the public service is committed to serve the people
[Public officials] % of those who think that few public officials are involved in corruption
[Public officials] % of those who think that many public officials are involved in corruption
[Public officials] % of those who say that they or their family have never come across a public official who hinted/ wanted a bribe in the last five years
[Public officials] % of those who turn to family members or close friends first to help them with administrative problems or official paperwork
[Public officials] % of those who turn to private companies first to help them with administrative problems or official paperwork
[Public officials] % of those who turn to public services first to help them with administrative problems or official paperwork
[Public finance] General government expenditures as % of GDP
[Public finance] General government primary net lending/borrowing as % of GDP
[Public finance] General government gross debt as % of GDP
[Public finance] % of those who are in favour of cuts in government spending
[Public finance] General government expenditures for Defence, as % of GDP
[Public finance] General government expenditures for Public order and safety, as % of GDP
[Public finance] General government expenditures for economic affairs, as % of GDP
[Public finance] General government expenditures for Environment protection, as % of GDP
[Public finance] General government expenditures for Housing and community amenities, as % of GDP
[Public finance] General government expenditures for Health, as % of GDP
[Public finance] General government expenditures for Recreation, culture and religion, as % of GDP
[Public finance] General government expenditures for Education, as % of GDP
[Public finance] General government expenditures for Social protection, as % of GDP
[Tax] General government revenues as % of GDP
[Tax] Value Added Tax/ General Sales Tax - Rates
[Tax] Corporate income tax rate (central + sub-central)
[Tax] Taxes on income, profits and capital gains, % of GDP
[Tax] Social security contributions, % of GDP
[Tax] Taxes on property, % of GDP
[Tax] Taxes on goods and services, % of GDP
[Tax] % of those who think that taxes are too high for those with high incomes
[Tax] % of those who think that taxes are too low for those with high incomes
[Tax] % of those who think that people with high incomes should pay a larger % of their income in taxes than those with low incomes
[Tax] Extent to which people think that it is important, in order to be a good citizen, never to try to evade taxes
[Tax] % of those who think that the tax authorities always/ often make sure people pay their taxes
[Tax] % of those who think that the tax authorities always/ often treat everyone in accordance with the law, regardless of their contacts or position in society
[Social security] % of those who are proud of their country in its social security system
[Social security] % of those who think that the social benefits in their country make people lazy
[Social security] % of those who would like to see more government spending in old age pensions
[Social security] % of those who agree that the government is responsible for providing a decent standard of living for the old
[Social security] % of those who think that the government is successful in the provision of decent life for the old
[Social security] % of those who think that the government should primarily provide care for older people
[Social security] % of those who think that private companies should primarily provide care for older people
[Social security] % of those who think that family, relatives or friends should primarily provide care for older people
[Social security] % of those who think "government agencies should primarily provide help in everyday life for elderly people
[Social security] % of those who think that the government/public funds should primarily cover the costs of the help to elderly people
[Social security] Maternal leave benefits (% of wages)
[Social security] % of those who think that 1-6 months of paid parental leave is necessary
[Social security] % of those who think that 7-12 months of paid parental leave is necessary
[Social security] % of those who think that 13-36 months of paid parental leave is necessary
[Social security] % of those who think that the government should pay for parental leave
[Social security] % of those who think that the employer should pay for parental leave
[Social security] % of those who think that both the government and the employer should pay for parental leave
[Social security] % of those who think the employers should primarily cover the costs of childcare for children under school age
[Social security] % of those who think the family itself should primarily cover the costs of childcare for children under school age
[Social security] % of those who think the government/public funds should primarily cover the costs of childcare for children under school age
[Social security] % of those who think government agencies should primarily provide childcare for children under school age
[Social security] % of those who think that poverty is the most important issue for their country
[Social security] % of those who think that the government should spend less on benefits for the poor
[Social security] % of those who agree that the government is responsible for providing decent housing for those who can't afford it
[Social security] Extent to which people think that it is important, in order to be a good citizen, to help people in the country who are worse off than themselves
[Law and Justice] % of those who think that it is worse to convict an innocent person than to let a guilty person go free
[Law and Justice] % of those who follow conscience rather than law on occasions (2 choices)
[Law and Justice] % of those who follow conscience rather than law on occasions (5 choices)
[Law and Justice] Extent to which people think that it is important, in order to be a good citizen, always to obey laws and regulations
[Law and Justice] Extent to which people trust the courts
[Law and Justice] % of those who have confidence in the justice system (5 choices)
[Law and Justice] % of those who think that it is important that there is a judicial system that treats everyone in the same way
Major advanced countries
Nordic and major advanced countries
OECD members
Latin America
countries/ areas
(No highlight)
Nordic and Japan
No data for 238 countries.
Afghanistan/ Albania/ Algeria/ American Samoa/ Andorra/ Angola/ Anguilla/ Antigua and Barbuda/ Argentina/ Armenia/ Aruba/ Australia/ Austria/ Azerbaijan/ Bahamas/ Bahrain/ Bangladesh/ Barbados/ Belarus/ Belgium/ Belize/ Benin/ Bermuda/ Bhutan/ Bolivia/ Bosnia and Herzegovina/ Botswana/ Brazil/ British Virgin Islands/ Brunei Darussalam/ Bulgaria/ Burkina Faso/ Burundi/ Cambodia/ Cameroon/ Canada/ Cape Verde/ Cayman Islands/ Central African Republic/ Chad/ Channel Islands/ Chile/ China/ Colombia/ Comoros/ Democratic Republic of Congo/ Republic of Congo/ Cook Islands/ Costa Rica/ Cote dIvoire/ Croatia/ Cuba/ Curacao/ Cyprus/ Czech Republic/ Denmark/ Djibouti/ Dominica/ Dominican Republic/ Ecuador/ Egypt/ El Salvador/ Equatorial Guinea/ Eritrea/ Estonia/ Eswatini/ Ethiopia/ Faeroe Islands/ Falkland Islands (Malvinas)/ Fiji/ Finland/ France/ French Guiana/ French Polynesia/ Gabon/ Gambia/ Georgia/ Germany/ Ghana/ Gibraltar/ Greece/ Greenland/ Grenada/ Guadeloupe/ Guam/ Guatemala/ Guernsey/ Guinea/ Guinea-Bissau/ Guyana/ Haiti/ Holy See (Vatican City)/ Honduras/ Hong Kong, China/ Hungary/ Iceland/ India/ Indonesia/ Iran/ Iraq/ Ireland/ Israel/ Italy/ Jamaica/ Japan/ Jersey/ Jordan/ Kazakhstan/ Kenya/ Kiribati/ North Korea/ Republic of Korea/ Kosovo/ Kuwait/ Kyrgyzstan/ Laos/ Latvia/ Lebanon/ Lesotho/ Liberia/ Libya/ Liechtenstein/ Lithuania/ Luxembourg/ Macao, China/ North Macedonia/ Madagascar/ Malawi/ Malaysia/ Maldives/ Mali/ Malta/ Man, Isle of/ Marshall Islands/ Martinique/ Mauritania/ Mauritius/ Mayotte/ Mexico/ Micronesia, Federated States of/ Moldova/ Monaco/ Mongolia/ Montenegro/ Montserrat/ Morocco/ Mozambique/ Myanmar (Burma)/ Namibia/ Nauru/ Nepal/ Netherlands/ Netherlands Antilles/ New Caledonia/ New Zealand/ Nicaragua/ Niger/ Nigeria/ Niue/ Northern Mariana Islands/ Norway/ Oman/ Pakistan/ Palau/ Palestinian Territory/ Panama/ Papua New Guinea/ Paraguay/ Peru/ Philippines/ Pitcairn/ Poland/ Portugal/ Puerto Rico/ Qatar/ Reunion/ Romania/ Russian Federation/ Rwanda/ St. Helena/ St. Kitts and Nevis/ St. Lucia/ St. Martin (French part)/ St. Pierre et Miquelon/ St. Vincent and the Grenadines/ Samoa/ San Marino/ Sao Tome and Principe/ Saudi Arabia/ Senegal/ Serbia/ Seychelles/ Sierra Leone/ Singapore/ Sint Maarten (Dutch part)/ Slovakia/ Slovenia/ Solomon Islands/ Somalia/ South Africa/ South Sudan/ Spain/ Sri Lanka/ Sudan/ Suriname/ Sweden/ Switzerland/ Syrian Arab Republic/ Taiwan/ Tajikistan/ Tanzania/ Thailand/ Timor-Leste/ Togo/ Tokelau/ Tonga/ Trinidad and Tobago/ Tunisia/ Turkiye/ Turkmenistan/ Turks and Caicos Islands/ Tuvalu/ Uganda/ Ukraine/ United Arab Emirates/ United Kingdom/ United States/ Uruguay/ Uzbekistan/ Vanuatu/ Venezuela/ Viet Nam/ Virgin Islands/ Wallis and Futuna Islands/ Western Sahara/ Yemen/ Zambia/ Zimbabwe
Correlations with major national performance indices