Cantril ladder. The evaluation of life by imagining life as a ladder, with the best possible life for them as a 10, and the worst possible life as a zero.
10 countries/ areas
3 United Kingdom6.754
4 Italy6.618
5 Germany6.578
6 France 6.561
8 Canada6.439
9 United States6.392
10 Japan6.232

Helliwell, J. F., Layard, R., Sachs, J. D., De Neve, J.-E., Aknin, L. B., & Wang, S. (Eds.). (2024) World Happiness Report 2024. University of Oxford: Wellbeing Research Centre.

Correlations with major national performance indices
Life satisfaction (10 steps)
No. of data7
Regression equation
Y = 0.739869 X +1.767
Correlation coefficient (r)0.434
Coefficient of determination (R2)0.188

GDP per capita (current US$)
No. of data7
Regression equation
Y = -5637.075101 X +87434.723
Correlation coefficient (r)-0.062
Coefficient of determination (R2)0.004

Life expectancy at birth - Both sexes (years)
No. of data7
Regression equation
Y = 0.468552 X +78.464
Correlation coefficient (r)0.038
Coefficient of determination (R2)0.001

Fertility rate, total (births per woman)
No. of data7
Regression equation
Y = 0.342945 X -0.758
Correlation coefficient (r)0.276
Coefficient of determination (R2)0.076

Suicide, age-standardized (per 100 000 population)
No. of data7
Regression equation
Y = -15.377475 X +109.576
Correlation coefficient (r)-0.777
Coefficient of determination (R2)0.604