10 countries/ areas
1 Japan95
2 Italy70
3 Germany66
3 United Kingdom66
5 United States62
7 Canada52
8 France 43

Geert Hofstede, Gert Jan Hofstede and Michael Minkov, Cultures and Organizations: Software of the Mind. Revised and expanded 3rd Edition. 550 pages. New York: McGraw-Hill USA, 2010.

Correlations with major national performance indices
Life satisfaction (10 steps)
No. of data7
Regression equation
Y = -0.013721 X +7.474
Correlation coefficient (r)-0.767
Coefficient of determination (R2)0.588

GDP per capita (current US$)
No. of data7
Regression equation
Y = -374.276479 X +75008.646
Correlation coefficient (r)-0.394
Coefficient of determination (R2)0.155

Life expectancy at birth - Both sexes (years)
No. of data7
Regression equation
Y = 0.051178 X +78.195
Correlation coefficient (r)0.396
Coefficient of determination (R2)0.157

Fertility rate, total (births per woman)
No. of data7
Regression equation
Y = -0.008293 X +2.012
Correlation coefficient (r)-0.637
Coefficient of determination (R2)0.406

Suicide, age-standardized (per 100 000 population)
No. of data7
Regression equation
Y = 0.014608 X +8.513
Correlation coefficient (r)0.070
Coefficient of determination (R2)0.005