Politics and government
Population and Family
Economy and industry
Education and media
Science and technology
Environment and energy
International relations and national identity
Agriculture and Food
Leisure, culture and Sports
[Life] Life satisfaction (10 steps)
[Life] Life satisfaction (10 steps), under 30 years old
[Life] Life satisfaction (10 steps), 30-44 years old
[Life] Life satisfaction (10 steps), 45-60 years old
[Life] Life satisfaction (10 steps), 60 years old and above
[Life] Extent of life satisfaction/ happiness (7 steps)
[Life] % of those who feel very happy
[Life] % of those who have recently felt unhappy and depressed
[Life] % of those who have recently felt difficulties were piling up so high that they could not overcome
[Life] % of 15 year old students who always or sometimes feel happy
[Life] % of 15 year old students who always or sometimes feel lively
[Life] % of 15 year old students who always or sometimes feel proud
[Life] % of 15 year old students who always or sometimes feel joyful
[Life] % of 15 year old students who always or sometimes feel cheerful
[Life] % of 15 year old students who always or sometimes feel scared
[Life] % of 15 year old students who always or sometimes feel miserable
[Life] % of 15 year old students who always or sometimes feel afraid
[Life] % of 15 year old students who always or sometimes feel sad
[Life] % of young people who have hope for their futhre
[Life] % of those who think that life serves purpose
[Life] % of those who think that it is (rather) easy to accomplish their goals
[Life] % of those who think that life is only meaningful if they provide the meaning themselves
[Life] % of those who are satisfied with their freedom of choice in life
[Life] % of those who have donated money to a charity
[Life] % of those who think that people cannot change the course of their lives
[Life] % of those who think that people can change the course of their lives
[Life] % of those who think that success in life is pretty much determined by forces outside our control
[Life] % of 15 year old students who think they usually manage one way or another
[Life] % of 15 year old students who feel proud that they have accomplished things
[Life] % of 15 year old students who feel that they can handle many things at a time
[Life] % of 15 year old students who think their belief in themselves gets them through hard times
[Life] % of 15 year old students who think they can usually find their way out of it when they are in a difficult situation
[Life] % of 15 year old students who worry about what others think of them when they are failing
[Life] % of 15 year old students who are afraid that they might not have enough talent when they are failing
[Life] % of 15 year old students who would doubt their plans for the future when they are failing
[Identity] % of those who think that the most important identification is nationality
[Identity] % of those who think that the most important identification is occupation
[Identity] % of those who think that the most important identification is race/ethnic background
[Identity] % of those who think that the most important identification is gender
[Identity] % of those who think that the most important identification is age
[Identity] % of those who think that the most important identification is religion
[Identity] % of those who think that the most important identification is political preference
[Identity] % of those who think that the most important identification is family or marital status
[Identity] % of those who think that the most important identification is social class
[Identity] % of those who think that the most important identification is their hometown
[Identity] % of those who feel close to their neighborhood
[Identity] % of those who feel close to their town or city
[Identity] % of those who feel close to their county
[Identity] % of those who feel close to their country
[Identity] % of those who feel close to [Continent]
[Identity] % of those who feel close to people all over the world
[Identity] % of those who feel very close to their ethnic group
[Identity] % of those who think that the conflicts between people who live in cities and people who live in rural areas in their country
[Identity] % of those who think that the conflicts between people with different ethnic or racial backgrounds in their country
[Identity] % of those who think that discrimination against people based on their race or ethnicity is serious in their country
[Identity] % of those who think that discrimination against people based on their race or ethnicity is serious in the United States
[Personality] % of those who think they are reserved
[Personality] % of those who think they are trusting
[Personality] % of those who think they do a thorough job
[Personality] % of those who think they are relaxed
[Personality] % of those who think they have an active imagination
[Personality] % of those who think they are outgoing
[Personality] % of those who think they tend to find fault with others
[Personality] % of those who think they are lazy
[Personality] % of those who think they are nervous
[Human relations] % of those who think that people can be trusted or not (2 choices)
[Human relations] % of those who think that people can be trusted or not (4 choices)
[Human relations] Degree of trust in people in general (1-5 scale)
[Human relations] % of those who think that people try to be fair (4 choices)
[Human relations] % of people who have relatives or friends they can count on for help in times of need
[Human relations] % of those who often use their free time to establish useful contacts
[Human relations] % of those who have been asked to help influence important decisions in other people's favour
[Human relations] % of those who could ask others to help influence important decisions in their favour
[Human relations] % of those who think that they should feel obligated to pay back the person who does a favour for them
[Human relations] %of those who feel that they lack companionship
[Human relations] %of those who feel that they are isolated from others
[Human relations] %of those who feel that they are left out
[Friendship] % of those who eat or drink with friends or acquaintances once a week or more
[Friendship] % of those who never eat or drink with friends or acquaintances
[Friendship] %of those who make new friends or acquaintances at eating/ drinking
[Friendship] % of those who live with their close friends or contact frequently
[Friendship] % of those who have contact with 20 or more people in a day
[Friendship] % of those who have contact with 4 or less people in a day
[Friendship] % of those who mostly see people in contact face-to-face
[Friendship] % of those who almost never see people in contact face-to-face
[Friendship] Time spent for visiting or entertaining friends (men and women, minutes per day per person)
[Friendship] Time spent for visiting or entertaining friends (men, minutes per day per person)
[Friendship] Time spent for visiting or entertaining friends (women, minutes per day per person)
[Friendship] % of Grade 4 students who play or talk with friends for less than 1 hour per day
[Friendship] % of Grade 4 students who play or talk with friends for more than 2 hours per day
[Friendship] % of Grade 8 students who play or talk with friends for less than 1 hour per day
[Friendship] % of Grade 8 students who play or talk with friends for more than 2 hours per day
[Friendship] % of those who say that they would like to have more time with their friends
[Friendship] % of those who say that they would like to have less time with their friends
[Friendship] % of those who think that it is all right to develop friendships with people just because they can be of use
[Friendship] % of those who think that they should prioritize friendship over justice
[Friendship] % of those who would prioritize friendship over justice
[Friendship] % of those who would turn to close friends first to help them with a household or a garden job that they cannot do themselves
[Friendship] % of those who would turn to close friends first to help them around their home if they were sick and had to stay in bed for a few days?
[Friendship] % of those who would turn to close friends first to be there for them if they felt a bit down or depressed and wanted to talk about it
[Friendship] % of those who would turn to close friends first to give them advice about family problems
[Friendship] % of those who would turn to close friends first to enjoy a pleasant social occasion with
[Friendship] % of those who have a friend/ friends other than at workplace or in the neighborhood
[Friendship] % of those who think that a close friend is someone who is intelligent and makes them think
[Friendship] % of those who think that a close friend is someone who helps them get things done
[Friendship] % of those who think that a close friend is someone who really understands them
[Friendship] % of those who think that a close friend is someone who is enjoyable company
[Friendship] % of those who think that people who are better off should help friends who are less well off
[Denomination] Christian, % of population
[Denomination] Catholic, % of population
[Denomination] Protestant, % of population
[Denomination] Orthodox, % of population
[Denomination] Muslim, % of population
[Denomination] Sunni, % of population
[Denomination] Shia, % of population
[Denomination] Hindu, % of population
[Denomination] Buddhist and Taoist, % of population
[Denomination] Jewish, % of population
[Denomination] % of those with positive attitude towards Christians
[Denomination] % of those with negative attitude towards Christians
[Denomination] % of those with positive attitude towards Muslims
[Denomination] % of those with negative attitude towards Muslims
[Denomination] % of those with positive attitude towards Hindus
[Denomination] % of those with negative attitude towards Hindus
[Denomination] % of those with positive attitude towards Buddhists
[Denomination] % of those with negative attitude towards Buddhists
[Denomination] % of those with positive attitude towards Jews
[Denomination] % of those with negative attitude towards Jews
[Denomination] % of those with positive attitude towards Atheists or non-believers
[Denomination] % of those with negative attitude towards Atheists or non-believers
[Attitude toward religion] % of those who think that they are religious
[Attitude toward religion] % of those who think that religion is important is in their life
[Attitude toward religion] % of those who agree that prayer is an important part of their daily life
[Attitude toward religion] % of those who think that it is important that people can practice their religion freely
[Attitude toward religion] % of those who think that the conflicts between people who are religious and people who are not in their country
[Attitude toward religion] % of those who think that the conflicts between people who practice different religions in their country
[Attitude toward religion] % of those who think that there is very little truth in any religion
[Attitude toward religion] % of those who think that there are basic truths in many religions
[Attitude toward religion] % of those who think that there is truth only in one religion
[Attitude toward religion] % of those who believe in religious miracles
[Attitude toward religion] % of those who think that practicing a religion helps people to find inner peace and happiness
[Attitude toward religion] % of those who think that practicing a religion helps people to make friends
[Attitude toward religion] % of those who think that practicing a religion helps people to gain comfort in times of trouble or sorrow
[Attitude toward religion] % of those who think that practicing a religion helps people to meet the right kind of people
[Attitude toward religion] % of those who think that religions are usually a barrier to equality between women and men
[Attitude toward religion] % of those who think that we trust too much in science and not enough in religious faith
[Attitude toward religion] % of those who think that religions bring more conflict than peace
[Attitude toward religion] % of those who think that people belonging to different religions cannot get along with each other when living close together
[Attitude toward religion] % of those who think that people with very strong religious beliefs are often too intolerant of others
[Attitude toward religion] % of those who think that we must respect all religions
[Attitude toward religion] % of those who accept a person from a different religion or with a very different religious view from theirs marrying a relative of theirs
[Attitude toward religion] % of those who accept a person from a different religion or with a very different religious view from theirs being a candidate of the political party they prefer
[Attitude toward religion] % of those who think that governments should not interfere with the attempts of any religion to spread its faith
[Attitude toward religion] % of those who think that attending religious services regularly is important to be a good citizen
[Attitude toward religion] % of those who think religious extremists should be allowed to publish their views on the Internet or social media
[Attitude toward religion] % of those who think that religion represents the past and not the future
[Attitude toward religion] % of those who think that religion is just as relevant to life today as it was in the past
[Attitude toward religion] % of those who believe in God (6 choices)
[Attitude toward religion] % of those who do not believe in God now but used to
[Attitude toward religion] % of those who believe in God now but did not used to
[Attitude toward religion] % of those who agree that god plays an important role in their life
[Attitude toward religion] % of those who think that there is a God who concerns Himself with every human being personally
[Attitude toward religion] % of those who think that life is meaningful only because God exists
[Attitude toward religion] % of those who have their own way of connecting with God
[Attitude toward religion] % of those who think that it is not necessary to believe in God in order to be moral and have good values
[Attitude toward religion] % of those who think that men have more influence over familyfs religious practices
[Attitude toward religion] % of those who think that women have more influence over familyfs religious practices
[Attitude toward religion] % of those who think that men and women have about the same influence over familyfs religious practices
[Religious group] % of those who participate in the activities of a church or other religious organisation at least once a month
[Religious group] % of those who belong to religious organisations
[Religious group] % of those who have confidence in churches and religious organizations
[Religious group] % of those who think that religious organisations/authorities have the most influence on the actions of the government
[Religious group] % of those who think that religious leaders should not try to influence how people vote in elections
[Religious group] % of those who think that religious leaders should not try to influence government decisions
[Religious group] % of those who think that churches and religious organizations in their country have too much power
[Religious group] % of those who think that all religious groups in their country should have equal rights
[Religious group] % of those who think that religious extremists should be allowed to hold public meetings
[Religious activities] % of those who pray at least once a week
[Religious activities] % of those who take part in the activities or organizations of a church or place of worship other than attending services at least once a month
[Religious activities] % of those who have a shrine, altar, or a religious object on display such as an icon or crucifix
[Religious activities] % of those who visit a holy place for religious reasons such as going to shrine/ temple/church/mosque at least once or twice a year
[Religious activities] Time spent for religious or spiritual activities and civic obligations (men and women, minutes per day per person)
[Religious activities] Time spent for religious or spiritual activities and civic obligations (men, minutes per day per person)
[Religious activities] Time spent for religious or spiritual activities and civic obligations (women, minutes per day per person)
[Supernatural] % of those who consider themselves to be a spiritual person interested in the sacred or the supernatural
[Supernatural] % of those who believe in life after death (4 choices)
[Supernatural] % of those who believe in heaven (4 choices)
[Supernatural] % of those who believe in hell (4 choices)
[Supernatural] % of those who believe in reincarnation
[Supernatural] % of those who believe in nirvana
[Supernatural] % of those who believe in the supernatural powers of deceased ancestors
[Supernatural] % of those who think that astrology has some scientific truth
[Hofstede index] Power Distance Index
[Hofstede index] Individualism Index
[Hofstede index] Masculinity Index
[Hofstede index] Uncertaintly Avoidance Index
[Hofstede index] Long Term Orientation Index
[Hofstede index] Indulgence Index
Major advanced countries
Nordic and major advanced countries
OECD members
Latin America
7 countries/ areas
(No highlight)
Nordic and Japan
United Kingdom
United States
United States
United Kingdom
No data for 2 countries.
Canada/ Italy
Cabinet Office of Japan (2019) Survey on the Opinion of Youth in Japan and other countries.
Correlations with major national performance indices
Life satisfaction (10 steps)
No. of data
Regression equation
Y = 2.241450 X +
Correlation coefficient (r)
Coefficient of determination (R2)
GDP per capita (current US$)
No. of data
Regression equation
Y = 109376.627912 X
Correlation coefficient (r)
Coefficient of determination (R2)
Life expectancy at birth - Both sexes (years)
No. of data
Regression equation
Y = -14.933056 X +
Correlation coefficient (r)
Coefficient of determination (R2)
Fertility rate, total (births per woman)
No. of data
Regression equation
Y = 1.329911 X +
Correlation coefficient (r)
Coefficient of determination (R2)
Suicide, age-standardized (per 100 000 population)
No. of data
Regression equation
Y = -3.263005 X +
Correlation coefficient (r)
Coefficient of determination (R2)