[Employment] Labor participation rate, male (% of male population ages 15-64) [Employment] Labor participation rate, female (% of female population ages 15-64) [Employment] Labor participation rate, male (% of male population ages 35-44) [Employment] Labor participation rate, female (% of female population ages 35-44) [Employment] Labor participation rate, male (% of male population ages 60-64) [Employment] Labor participation rate, female (% of female population ages 60-64) [Employment] % of those who think that the employment of elderly people is good for the country's economy [Employment] % of those who think that the employment of elderly people takes jobs away from younger people [Employment] Employment in agriculture (% of total employment) [Employment] Employment in industry (% of total employment) [Employment] Employment in services (% of total employment) [Employment] % of employees whose job tenure is 10 years and more: male and female [Employment] % of employees whose job tenure is 10 years and more: male [Employment] % of employees whose job tenure is 10 years and more: female [Employment] % of men who prefer a full time job [Employment] % of women who prefer a full time job [Employment] % of those who agree that the government is responsible for providing a job for everyone who wants one [Employment] % of those who are in favour of government financing of projects to create new jobs [Gender equality] Gender Gap Index (world ranking) [Gender equality] % of those who think that it is important that women have the same rights as men [Gender equality] % of those who think that men have a better life [Gender equality] % of those who think that women have a better life [Gender equality] % of those who think that women will eventually have the same rights as men [Gender equality] % of those who agree that the government is responsible for promoting equality between men and women [Gender equality] Share of female managers [Gender equality] % of those who think that a husband's job is to earn money; a wife's job is to look after the home and family [Gender equality] % of those who think that men should have a job priority [Gender equality] % of those who do not think that family life suffers when the woman has a full-time job [Gender equality] % of those who think that both husband and wife should contribute to household income (5 choices) [Gender equality] % of those who think that both husband and wife should contribute to work and family [Gender equality] % of those who think that being a housewife is just as fulfilling as working for pay (5 choices) [Gender equality] % of those who think that what most women really want is a home and children [Gender equality] % of those who think that working mothers have no bad influence over children (5 choices) [Gender equality] % of those who do not think that a pre-school child is likely to suffer if his or her mother works [Gender equality] % of those who think that the mother and the father should each take half of paid parental leave [Gender equality] % of those who think that the mother should take most of the paid leave period and the father should take some of it. [Gender equality] % of those who think that the mother should take the entire paid parental leave [Gender equality] % of those who think that no paid parental leave is necessary [Gender equality] % of those who think that women should work outside the home full-time when there is a child under school age [Gender equality] % of those who think that both mother and father should work full-time when they have a child under school age [Gender equality] % of those who think that both mother and father should work part-time when they have a child under school age [Gender equality] % of those who think that women should stay at home when there is a child under school age [Gender equality] % of those who think that mother should stay at home and father should work full-time when they have a child under school age [Gender equality] % of those who think that mother should work part-time and father should work full-time when they have a child under school age [Gender equality] % of those who think it is least desirable that both mother and father work full-time when they have a child under school age [Gender equality] % of those who think it is least desirable that father stay at home and mother work full-time when they have a child under school age [Gender equality] % of those who think it is least desirable that mother stay at home and father work full-time when they have a child under school age [Gender equality] % of those who think that women should work outside the home full-time after the youngest child starts school [Gender equality] % of those who think that women should stay at home after the youngest child starts school [Gender equality] % of women who say that they care for sick family members [Gender equality] % of those who say that both partners care for sick family members [Self-employment] Self-employment rate, total [Self-employment] Self-employment rate, men [Self-employment] Self-employment rate, women [Self-employment] % of those who think that employees have more job security than the self-employed [Self-employment] % of those who think that being an employee interferes more with family life than self-employment [Self-employment] % of those who prefer being an employee to being self-employed [Non-regular employment] Part-time employment - total [Non-regular employment] Part-time employment - male [Non-regular employment] Part-time employment - female [Non-regular employment] Temporary employment - male as % of dependent employment [Non-regular employment] Temporary employment - female as % of dependent employment [Non-regular employment] Temporary employment - 15-24 years as % of dependent employment [Non-regular employment] % of those willing to accept temporary employment to avoid unemployment [Side business] % of those who do any work for additional income in addition to their main job [Recruitment and job change] % of those who think that it would be easy to find a job [Recruitment and job change] % of those who turn to family members or close friends first to help them if they needed to find a job [Recruitment and job change] % of those who turn to private companies first to help them if they needed to find a job [Recruitment and job change] % of those who turn to public services first to help them if they needed to find a job [Recruitment and job change] % of those who would turn down another job that offered quite a bit more pay in order to stay with the current organization [Recruitment and job change] % of those who would change their present type of work for something different if given the chance [Recruitment and job change] % of those who think that it is likely that they will try to find a job with another firm or organization within the next 12 months [Recruitment and job change] % of those who have given up good job opportunities for the benefit of their family life [Recruitment and job change] % of the men who have given up good job opportunities for the benefit of their family life [Recruitment and job change] % of the women who have given up good job opportunities for the benefit of their family life [Recruitment and job change] % of those who have remained in a job that was not satisfying for you for the benefit of your family life [Recruitment and job change] % of the men who have remained in a job that was not satisfying for you for the benefit of your family life [Recruitment and job change] % of the women who have remained in a job that was not satisfying for you for the benefit of your family life [Work preference] % of those who think that job security is very important in a job [Work preference] % of those who think that high income is very important in a job [Work preference] % of those who think that good opportunities for advancement is very important in a job [Work preference] % of those who think that being interesting is very important in a job [Work preference] % of those who think that working independently is very important in a job [Work preference] % of those who think that helping other people is very important in a job [Work preference] % of those who think that being useful to society is very important in a job [Work preference] % of those who think that deciding times or days of work is very important in a job [Work preference] % of those who think that it is important for a job to involve personal contact with other people [Work preference] % of those who think that their job is secure [Work preference] % of those who think that their job gives high income [Work preference] % of those who think that their job gives high opportunities for advancement [Work preference] % of those who think that their job is interesting [Work preference] % of those who think that they can work independently [Work preference] % of those who think that they can help other people in their job [Work preference] % of those who think that their job is useful to society [Work preference] % of those who think that their job gives personal contact with other people [Work preference] % of those who think that their job gives a chance to improve their skills [Unemployment] Unemployment rate: 15-64 years old, male and female [Unemployment] Unemployment rate: 15-64 years old, male [Unemployment] Unemployment rate: 15-64 years old, female [Unemployment] Unemployment rate: 20-24 years old, male and female [Unemployment] Long-term (1 year and over) unemployment rate: all ages, male and female [Unemployment] Long-term (1 year and over) unemployment rate: all ages, male [Unemployment] Long-term (1 year and over) unemployment rate: all ages, female [Unemployment] % of those who worry about the possibility of losing your job a great deal or to some extent [Unemployment] % of those willing to move within the country not to lose job [Unemployment] % of those willing to move to a different country not to lose job [Unemployment] % of those who agree that the government is responsible for providing a decent standard of living for the unemployed [Unemployment] % of those who would like to see more government spending in unemployment benefits [Unemployment] % of those who think that the government is successful in the policy against unemployment [Labor policy] Public expenditure for active labor policy, % of GDP [Working time] Average annual hours actually worked per worker [Working time] Time spent for paid work or study (men and women, minutes per day per person, including commuting time) [Working time] Time spent for paid work or study (men, minutes per day per person, including commuting time) [Working time] Time spent for paid work or study (women, minutes per day per person, including commuting time) [Working time] Time spent for commuting (men and women, minutes per day per person) [Working time] Time spent for commuting (men, minutes per day per person) [Working time] Time spent for commuting (women, minutes per day per person) [Working time] % of those who are in favour of reducing the working week to create more jobs [Working time] % of those willing to accept longer commuting to avoid unemployment [Working time] % of those who prefer to work longer hours and earn more money [Working time] % of those who prefer to work the same number of hours and earn the same money [Working time] % of those who prefer to work fewer hours and earn less money [Working time] % of those who would like to have more time in a job [Working time] % of those who would like to have less time in a job [Working time] % of those who always/ often work at home during usual working hours [Working time] % of those who always/ often work on weekends [Working time] % of those who have a regular schedule or shift [Working time] % of those who cannot decide themselves when to start/ finish work [Working time] % of those who can decide themselves when to start/ finish work [Working time] % of those who can decide themselves how to organize work [Working time] % of those who enjoy 5 or less days of leave [Working time] % of those who enjoy more than 20 days of leave [Working time] % of those who can take an hour or two off during working hours [Wages] Minimum relative to average (mean) wages of full-time workers [Wages] Minimum relative to median wages of full-time workers [Wages] Gender wage gap at median [Wages] % of those who think that men have more opportunities of getting high-paying jobs [Wages] % of those who think that women have more opportunities of getting high-paying jobs [Wages] % of those who think that men and women have about the same opportunities of getting high-paying jobs [Wages] % of those who are optimistic about the availability of well-paying jobs [Wages] % of those who think their pay is less than is just [Wages] % of those willing to accept lower pay to avoid unemployment [Wages] % of those who think how much responsibility goes with the job is very important in deciding pay [Wages] % of those who think that whether the job requires supervising others is important in deciding pay [Wages] % of those who think that the number of years spent in education and training is very important in deciding pay [Wages] % of those who think how long the person has been with the firm is important in deciding pay [Wages] % of those who think what is needed to support a family is very important in deciding pay [Wages] % of those who think whether the person has children to support is very important in deciding pay [Wages] % of those who think how well he or she does the job is very important in deciding pay [Wages] % of those who think how hard he or she works at the job is very important in deciding pay [Wages] % of those who agree that private companies are responsible for reducing the differences in pay [Work motivation] % of those who often arrive at work too tired to function well because of the household work [Work motivation] % of those who often find it difficult to concentrate at work because of family responsibilities [Work motivation] Degree of job satisfaction [Work motivation] % of those satisfied with job (5 choices)* [Work motivation] % of those who always/ often find work stressful [Work motivation] % of those who agree to the idea that a job is just a way of earning money [Work motivation] % of those who agree to the idea that they would enjoy having a paid job even if they did not need the money [Work motivation] % of those who would work hard to complete their daily tasks, even if they are slightly sick or when there is another legitimate reason for taking a break [Work motivation] % of those who would perform to the best of their ability even on a task that they do not like [Work motivation] % of those who would work hard to maintain their performance on a task, even if the task takes a long time to start producing any results [Work motivation] % of men who prefer no paid job at all [Work motivation] % of women who prefer no paid job at all [Skills] % of those who can make much use of their past work experience and /or job skills in their present job [Skills] % of those who have got training to improve job skills over the past 12 months [Skills] % of those willing to accept a job that requires new skills to avoid unemployment [Workplace] % of those who describe relations at their workplace between workmates/colleagues as good [Workplace] % of those who often share work-related information with co-workers [Workplace] % of those who often learn new work-related things from co-workers or supervisors [Workplace] % of those who are willing to work harder than they have to in order to help their firm/ organization succeed [Workplace] % of those who are proud to be working for the current firm or organization [Workplace] % of those who have been discriminated against with regard to work [Workplace] % of the men who have been discriminated against with regard to work [Workplace] % of the women who have been discriminated against with regard to work [Workplace] % of those who have been harassed by their superiors or co-workers at their job [Workplace] % of the men who have been harassed by their superiors or co-workers at their job [Workplace] % of the women who have been harassed by their superiors or co-workers at their job [Industrial relations] Trade union participation (% of total employment) [Industrial relations] % of those who belong to a trade union, business, or professional association [Industrial relations] Days not worked due to strikes and lockouts [Industrial relations] % of those who think that workers need strong trade unions to protect their interests [Industrial relations] % of those who think that strong trade unions are bad for the economy of their country [Industrial relations] % of those who think that trade unions have the most influence on the actions of the government [Industrial relations] % of those who think that trade unions are very important for the job security of employees [Industrial relations] % of those who think that the working conditions of employees would be much worse without trade unions [Industrial relations] % of those who think that there is strong conflicts between management and workers [Industrial relations] % of those who describe relations at their workplace between management and employees as good [Work accident] % of those who always/ often have to do hard physical work [Work accident] % of those who always/ often work in dangerous conditions [Housework] Time spent for routine housework (men and women, minutes per day per person) [Housework] Time spent for routine housework (men, minutes per day per person) [Housework] Time spent for routine housework (women, minutes per day per person) [Housework] Time spent for shopping (men and women, minutes per day per person) [Housework] Time spent for shopping (men, minutes per day per person) [Housework] Time spent for shopping (women, minutes per day per person) [Housework] Time spent for child care (men and women, minutes per day per person) [Housework] Time spent for child care (men, minutes per day per person) [Housework] Time spent for child care (women, minutes per day per person) [Housework] % of those who would like to have more time doing household work [Housework] % of those who would like to have less time doing household work [Housework] % of men who think that they do less than their fair share of the household work [Housework] % of women who think that they do more than their fair share of the household work [Housework] % of women who say that they prepare meals [Housework] % of those who say that both partners prepare meals [Housework] % of women who say that they do the laundry of the family [Housework] % of those who say that both partners do the laundry of the family [Housework] % of women who say that they clean the house [Housework] % of those who say that both partners clean the house [Housework] % of those who think that men have more influence over how to raise children [Housework] % of those who think that women have more influence over how to raise children [Housework] % of those who think that men and women have about the same influence over how to raise children [Housework] % of men who say that they mostly decide how to raise children [Housework] % of women who say that they mostly decide how to raise children [Housework] % of those who says that both partners decide how to raise children together [Housework] % of those who think private childcare providers should primarily provide childcare for children under school age [Housework] % of those who think family members should primarily provide childcare for children under school age [Housework] % of those who think family members should primarily provide help in everyday life for elderly people [Housework] % of those who think private providers should primarily provide help in everyday life for elderly people [Housework] % of those who think that the elderly people themselves or their family should primarily cover the costs of the help to elderly people [Housework] % of women who say that they care for sick family members [Housework] % of those who say that both partners care for sick family members [Housework] % of those who think that men have more influence over household finances [Housework] % of those who think that women have more influence over household finances [Housework] % of those who think that men and women have about the same influence over household finances [Housework] % of women who say that they manage all the money of their family [Housework] % of men who say that they manage all the money of their family [Housework] % of those who say that both pool and manage all the money of their family [Housework] % of those who say that both pool and manage part of the money of their family [Housework] % of those who say that each partner manages their own money [Housework] % of women who say that they shop for groceries [Housework] % of men who say that they shop for groceries [Housework] % of those who say that both partners shop for groceries [Housework] % of men who say that they make small repairs in the household [Housework] % of those who say that both partners make small repairs in the household [Housework] % of men who say that they choose weekend activities [Housework] % of women who say that they choose weekend activities [Housework] % of those who say that both partners choose weekend activities together [Housework] % of those who often come home from work too tired to do the chores [Housework] % of those who often work too long to fulfil family responsibilities [Housework] % of those who always/ often feel that job interfere with family life [Housework] % of those who always/ often feel that family life interfere with job [Voluntary activities] % of those who take part in voluntary work once a month or more [Voluntary activities] % of those who never take part in voluntary work [Voluntary activities] % of those who take part in activities of charitable or religious organisations that do voluntary work once a month or more [Voluntary activities] % of those who never take part in activities of charitable or religious organisations that do voluntary work [Voluntary activities] Time spent for volunteering (men and women, minutes per day per person) [Voluntary activities] Time spent for volunteering (men, minutes per day per person) [Voluntary activities] Time spent for volunteering (women, minutes per day per person) [Voluntary activities] % of those who think that civic and voluntary organisations have the most influence on the actions of the government Period: 1998-2019 Area: World \nMajor advanced countries \nNordic and major advanced countries \nOECD members \nEU27 \nEU+Japan \nEurope \nASIA \nTPP \nLatin America \nAfrica \n 30 countries/ areas Highlight: (No highlight) Japan Nordic and Japan ---------- Australia Austria Belgium Canada Denmark Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Japan Republic of Korea Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Mexico Netherlands New Zealand Norway Poland Portugal Slovenia Spain Sweden Turkiye United Kingdom United States
Note Data are normalized to 1440 minutes per day. In other words, for those countries for which the time use does not sum up to 1440 minutes, the missing minutes are equally distributed across all activities. The range of age and the classification of activities may differ across countries: the assignment of time allocated to the activity categories defined by the OECD can only be approximated in some countries where highly detailed data are not available. Caution is thus needed in cross-country comparisons whenever the differences in minutes are not large.
Source OECD, Time Use Database
Original source OECD estimates based on national time use surveys. Methodological documentation on national time-use surveys used for the estimates is in Miranda V. (2011) "Cooking, Caring and Volunteering: Unpaid Work Around the World", Miranda, V. (2011), "Cooking, Caring and Volunteering: Unpaid Work Around the World", OECD Social, Employment and Migration Working Papers, No. 116, OECD Publishing. doi: 10.1787/5kghrjm8s142-en.
Correlations with major national performance indicesLife satisfaction (10 steps)
No. of data 30
Regression equation
Correlation coefficient (r) 0.521
Coefficient of determination (R2) 0.271
GDP per capita (current US$)
No. of data 30
Regression equation Y = 2336.643797 X -4695.095
Correlation coefficient (r) 0.453
Coefficient of determination (R2) 0.205
Life expectancy at birth - Both sexes (years)
No. of data 30
Regression equation
Correlation coefficient (r) 0.467
Coefficient of determination (R2) 0.218
Fertility rate, total (births per woman)
No. of data 30
Regression equation
Correlation coefficient (r) 0.031
Coefficient of determination (R2) 0.001
Suicide, age-standardized (per 100 000 population)
No. of data 30
Regression equation
Correlation coefficient (r) -0.158
Coefficient of determination (R2) 0.025