Question: On the whole, do you think it should or should not be the government's responsibility to impose strict laws to make industry do less damage to the environment?
Choices: "Definately should be" "Probably should be" "Probably should not be" "Definately should not be"
Data: % of "Definately should be" "Probably should be"
18 countries/ areas
1 Ireland97.5%
2 Hungary97.4%
2 Spain97.4%
4 Italy97.1%
5 Czech Republic97.0%
6 New Zealand96.5%
7 Germany96.3%
8 Australia96.1%
8 Poland96.1%
10 France95.2%
11 United States95.1%
12 Slovenia94.9%
13 Japan 94.2%
14 Norway93.9%
14 Switzerland93.9%
16 Latvia93.5%
17 Canada92.7%
18 Israel90.7%

Can't choose/ No answer are excluded. Germany: unweighted sum of West and East Germany. Israel: unweighted sum of Jews and Arabs. United Kingdom: excluding Northern Ireland.

No data for 20 countries.

ISSP 1996

Correlations with major national performance indices
Life satisfaction (10 steps)
No. of data18
Regression equation
Y = -8.296925 X +14.610
Correlation coefficient (r)-0.398
Coefficient of determination (R2)0.158

GDP per capita (current US$)
No. of data18
Regression equation
Y = -190965.755390 X +233492.863
Correlation coefficient (r)-0.136
Coefficient of determination (R2)0.018

Life expectancy at birth - Both sexes (years)
No. of data18
Regression equation
Y = -10.712203 X +91.193
Correlation coefficient (r)-0.070
Coefficient of determination (R2)0.005

Fertility rate, total (births per woman)
No. of data18
Regression equation
Y = -9.789478 X +10.886
Correlation coefficient (r)-0.486
Coefficient of determination (R2)0.236

Suicide, age-standardized (per 100 000 population)
No. of data18
Regression equation
Y = -24.454484 X +33.336
Correlation coefficient (r)-0.147
Coefficient of determination (R2)0.022