Data Correlation Analysis
Onions, food supply quantity (kg/capita/year) (2019)
Rank in the horizontal direction (X/ independent variable)
Politics and government
Population and Family
Economy and industry
Education and media
Science and technology
Environment and energy
International relations and national identity
Agriculture and Food
Leisure, culture and Sports
Agriculture> Food self-sufficiency ratio (calorie-based)
Agriculture> Food self-sufficiency ratio (production value-based)
Agriculture> Agriculture, forestry and fishing, value added per worker (constant 2015 US$)
Agriculture> Agriculture, forestry, and fishing, value added (million US$)
Agriculture> Agriculture, forestry, and fishing, value added (% of GDP)
Agriculture> Employment in agriculture (% of total employment)
Agriculture> Producer support estimates, as % of gross farm receipts
Cereal, Starchy Roots, Sugar & Sweeteners> Cereals - Excluding Beer, food supply quantity (kg/capita/year)
Cereal, Starchy Roots, Sugar & Sweeteners> Wheat and products, food supply quantity (kg/capita/year)
Cereal, Starchy Roots, Sugar & Sweeteners> Rice and products, food supply quantity (kg/capita/year)
Cereal, Starchy Roots, Sugar & Sweeteners> Barley and products, food supply quantity (kg/capita/year)
Cereal, Starchy Roots, Sugar & Sweeteners> Maize and products, food supply quantity (kg/capita/year)
Cereal, Starchy Roots, Sugar & Sweeteners> Oats, food supply quantity (kg/capita/year)
Cereal, Starchy Roots, Sugar & Sweeteners> Millet and products, food supply quantity (kg/capita/year)
Cereal, Starchy Roots, Sugar & Sweeteners> Starchy Roots, food supply quantity (kg/capita/year)
Cereal, Starchy Roots, Sugar & Sweeteners> Potatoes and products, food supply quantity (kg/capita/year)
Cereal, Starchy Roots, Sugar & Sweeteners> Sweet Potatoes, food supply quantity (kg/capita/year)
Cereal, Starchy Roots, Sugar & Sweeteners> Sugar & Sweeteners, food supply quantity (kg/capita/year)
Cereal, Starchy Roots, Sugar & Sweeteners> Sugar (Raw Equivalent), food supply quantity (kg/capita/year)
Cereal, Starchy Roots, Sugar & Sweeteners> Honey, food supply quantity (kg/capita/year)
Pulses, Nuts, Oilcrops, Vegetable Oils> Pulses, food supply quantity (kg/capita/year)
Pulses, Nuts, Oilcrops, Vegetable Oils> Beans, food supply quantity (kg/capita/year)
Pulses, Nuts, Oilcrops, Vegetable Oils> Peas, food supply quantity (kg/capita/year)
Pulses, Nuts, Oilcrops, Vegetable Oils> Soyabeans, food supply quantity (kg/capita/year)
Pulses, Nuts, Oilcrops, Vegetable Oils> Nuts and products, food supply quantity (kg/capita/year)
Pulses, Nuts, Oilcrops, Vegetable Oils> Groundnuts, food supply quantity (kg/capita/year)
Pulses, Nuts, Oilcrops, Vegetable Oils> Coconuts - Incl Copra, food supply quantity (kg/capita/year)
Pulses, Nuts, Oilcrops, Vegetable Oils> Sesame seed, food supply quantity (kg/capita/year)
Pulses, Nuts, Oilcrops, Vegetable Oils> Olives (including preserved), food supply quantity (kg/capita/year)
Pulses, Nuts, Oilcrops, Vegetable Oils> Vegetable Oils, food supply quantity (kg/capita/year)
Pulses, Nuts, Oilcrops, Vegetable Oils> Soyabean Oil, food supply quantity (kg/capita/year)
Pulses, Nuts, Oilcrops, Vegetable Oils> Groundnut Oil, food supply quantity (kg/capita/year)
Pulses, Nuts, Oilcrops, Vegetable Oils> Sunflowerseed Oil, food supply quantity (kg/capita/year)
Pulses, Nuts, Oilcrops, Vegetable Oils> Rape and Mustard Oil, food supply quantity (kg/capita/year)
Pulses, Nuts, Oilcrops, Vegetable Oils> Palm Oil, food supply quantity (kg/capita/year)
Pulses, Nuts, Oilcrops, Vegetable Oils> Coconut Oil, food supply quantity (kg/capita/year)
Pulses, Nuts, Oilcrops, Vegetable Oils> Olive Oil, food supply quantity (kg/capita/year)
Pulses, Nuts, Oilcrops, Vegetable Oils> Maize Germ Oil, food supply quantity (kg/capita/year)
Vegetables, Fruits, Spices> Vegetables, food supply quantity (kg/capita/year)
Vegetables, Fruits, Spices> Tomatoes and products, food supply quantity (kg/capita/year)
Vegetables, Fruits, Spices> Onions, food supply quantity (kg/capita/year)
Vegetables, Fruits, Spices> Fruits - Excluding Wine, food supply quantity (kg/capita/year)
Vegetables, Fruits, Spices> Oranges, Mandarines, food supply quantity (kg/capita/year)
Vegetables, Fruits, Spices> Lemons, Limes and products, food supply quantity (kg/capita/year)
Vegetables, Fruits, Spices> Grapefruit and products, food supply quantity (kg/capita/year)
Vegetables, Fruits, Spices> Bananas, food supply quantity (kg/capita/year)
Vegetables, Fruits, Spices> Apples and products, food supply quantity (kg/capita/year)
Vegetables, Fruits, Spices> Pineapples and products, food supply quantity (kg/capita/year)
Vegetables, Fruits, Spices> Dates, food supply quantity (kg/capita/year)
Vegetables, Fruits, Spices> Grapes and products (excl wine), food supply quantity (kg/capita/year)
Vegetables, Fruits, Spices> Spices, food supply quantity (kg/capita/year)
Vegetables, Fruits, Spices> Pepper, food supply quantity (kg/capita/year)
Vegetables, Fruits, Spices> Pimento, food supply quantity (kg/capita/year)
Stimulants, Alcoholic Beverages> Stimulants, food supply quantity (kg/capita/year)
Stimulants, Alcoholic Beverages> Coffee and products, food supply quantity (kg/capita/year)
Stimulants, Alcoholic Beverages> Tea (including mate), food supply quantity (kg/capita/year)
Stimulants, Alcoholic Beverages> Alcoholic Beverages, food supply quantity (kg/capita/year)
Stimulants, Alcoholic Beverages> Total alcohol per capita (??15 years of age) consumptionl (litres of pure alcohol)
Stimulants, Alcoholic Beverages> % of those who often drink 4 or more alcoholic drinks on the same day
Stimulants, Alcoholic Beverages> Wine, food supply quantity (kg/capita/year)
Stimulants, Alcoholic Beverages> Beer, food supply quantity (kg/capita/year)
Stimulants, Alcoholic Beverages> Fermented beverages, food supply quantity (kg/capita/year)
Meat, Diary, Fish> Meat, food supply quantity (kg/capita/year)
Meat, Diary, Fish> Bovine Meat, food supply quantity (kg/capita/year)
Meat, Diary, Fish> Mutton & Goat Meat, food supply quantity (kg/capita/year)
Meat, Diary, Fish> Average days of eating beef, lamb, or their products in a week
Meat, Diary, Fish> % of those who do not eat beef, lamb, or their products
Meat, Diary, Fish> % of those who eat beef, lamb, or their products every day
Meat, Diary, Fish> Pigmeat, food supply quantity (kg/capita/year)
Meat, Diary, Fish> Poultry Meat, food supply quantity (kg/capita/year)
Meat, Diary, Fish> Offals, Edible, food supply quantity (kg/capita/year)
Meat, Diary, Fish> Butter, Ghee, food supply quantity (kg/capita/year)
Meat, Diary, Fish> Animal Fats, food supply quantity (kg/capita/year)
Meat, Diary, Fish> Eggs, food supply quantity (kg/capita/year)
Meat, Diary, Fish> Milk (Excluding Butter), food supply quantity (kg/capita/year)
Meat, Diary, Fish> Fish, Seafood, food supply quantity (kg/capita/year)
Meat, Diary, Fish> Freshwater Fish, food supply quantity (kg/capita/year)
Meat, Diary, Fish> Demersal Fish, food supply quantity (kg/capita/year)
Meat, Diary, Fish> Pelagic Fish, food supply quantity (kg/capita/year)
Meat, Diary, Fish> Crustaceans, food supply quantity (kg/capita/year)
Meat, Diary, Fish> Cephalopods, food supply quantity (kg/capita/year)
Meat, Diary, Fish> Molluscs, food supply quantity (kg/capita/year)
Eating behaviors> % of those who eat fresh fruit or vegetables every day
Eating behaviors> % of those who refuse to eat meat for moral or environmental reasons at least sometimes
Eating behaviors> % of those who often try to buy fruits and vegetables grown without pesticides or chemicals
Eating behaviors> % of people who take special food on their business trip
Non-food agricultural products> Fresh cut flowers and buds exports (thousand US$)
Rank in the vertical direction
(Y/ dependent variable)
Politics and government
Population and Family
Economy and industry
Education and media
Science and technology
Environment and energy
International relations and national identity
Agriculture and Food
Leisure, culture and Sports