Data Correlation Analysis
% of those who think it is important to have lived in the country for most of one's life for being truly their national (1995)
Rank in the horizontal direction (X/ independent variable)
Politics and government
Population and Family
Economy and industry
Education and media
Science and technology
Environment and energy
International relations and national identity
Agriculture and Food
Leisure, culture and Sports
World economy> % of those who think that the condition of the global economy is a major threat to their country
World economy> % of those who think that policies depend more on what is happening in the world economy
World economy> World Competitiveness Ranking
World economy> % of those who think that Japan is the worldfs leading economic power
Trade> Exports of goods and services (billion US$)
Trade> Exports of goods and services, % of GDP
Trade> Imports of goods and services (billion US$)
Trade> Imports of goods and services, % of GDP
Trade> External balance on goods and services (billion US$)
Trade> External balance on goods and services, % of GDP
Trade> Current account balance (billion US$)
Trade> % of those who think the import of foreign products should be limited
Trade> % of those who agree that free trade leads to better products becoming available in the country
Foreign direct investment> Outward direct investment - stock (% of GDP)
Foreign direct investment> Inward direct investment - stock (% of GDP)
International relations> % of those who think that following current events in other countries is very important to be a good citizen
International relations> % of those who agree that the country should follow the decisions of international organizations to which it belongs, even if the government does not agree with them
International relations> % of those who think it is best for the future of their country to be active in world affairs
International relations> % of those who think that their country should take into account the interests of other countries even if it means making compromises
International relations> % of those who think that countries should act as part of a global community working together to solve problems
International relations> % of those who think that the influence of their country in the world is getting stronger
International relations> % of those who are proud of their country in its political influence in the world
International relations> Period of United Nations membership
International relations> % of those who have a favorable opinion of the United Nations
International relations> % of those who think that the United Nations promotes peace
International relations> % of those who think that the United Nations promotes economic development
International relations> % of those who think that the United Nations promotes human rights
International relations> % of those who think that the United Nations deals effectively with international problems
International relations> % of those who think that the United Nations cares about the needs of ordinary people
International relations> % of those who think that the United Nations advances the interests of countries like theirs
International relations> % of those who think that the United Nations promotes action on climate change
International relations> % of those who think that the United Nations promotes action on infectious diseases, like coronavirus
International relations> % of those who think that common values are important for bringing nations together
International relations> % of those who think that many problems of their country can be solved by working with other countries
International relations> % of those who think that longstanding conflicts between countries or ethnic groups are a major threat to their country
International relations> % of those who think that there are parts of neighboring countries that really belong to them
International relations> % of those who agree that international organizations are taking away too much power from the national government
International relations> % of those who think that international organizations have the most influence on the actions of the government
International relations> Official Development Assistance (ODA), million US$
International relations> Official Development Assistance (ODA), % of GNI
International relations> % of those who think present economic differences between rich and poor countries are too large
International relations> % of those who think that people in wealthy countries should pay more tax to help people in poor countries
International relations> % of those who think people from poor countries should be allowed to work in wealthy countries
International relations> Extent to which people think that it is important, in order to be a good citizen, to help people in the rest of the world who are worse off than themselves
The United States> % of those who have a favorable opinion of the United States
The United States> % of those who think that the US is a reliable partner
The United States> % of those who think that the relations between the US and their country is good
The United States> % of those who think that relations between their country and the U.S. will get better
The United States> % of those who are optimistic about the future of their country's relations with the US
The United States> % of those who think that the United States takes into account the interests of their country
The United States> % of those who think that the United States interferes in the affairs of other countries
The United States> % of those who think that the United States takes into account the interests of their country
The United States> % of those who think that the United States interferes in the affairs of other countries
The United States> % of those who think that the United States contributes to peace and stability around the world
The United States> % of those who think that the influence of the United States in the world is getting stronger
The United States> % of those who think that it is more important for their country to have strong economic ties with the US than China
The United States> % of those who think that the United States is the worldfs leading economic power
The United States> % of those who have confidence in U.S. President Donald Trump
The United States> % of those who have confidence in U.S. President Joe Biden
The United States> % of those who have confidence in U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris
The United States> % of those who think that the US takes into account the interests of their country
The United States> % of those who think that the government of the US respects the personal freedoms
The United States> % of those who think that the United States is a more dangerous place to live than other wealthy nations
The United States> % of those who think that the United States is a more religious country than other wealthy nations
The United States> % of those who think that the United States is a more tolerant society than other wealthy nations
The United States> % of those who think that the United States is a more democratic society than other wealthy nations
The United States> % of those who think that democracy in the United States used to be a good example, but has not been in recent years
The United States> % of those who think that the United States is a more politically stable country than other wealthy nations
The United States> % of those who think that the healthcare system of the US is the best in the world
The United States> % of those who think that the healthcare system of the US is below the world average
The United States> % of those who think that the universities of the US are the best in the world
The United States> % of those who think that the standard of living of the US is the best in the world
The United States> % of those who think that the standard of living of the US is below the world average
The United States> % of those who think that the military of the US is the best in the world
The United States> % of those who think that the technological achievements of the US is the best in the world
The United States> % of those who think that the entertainment of the US is the best in the world
The United States> % of those who think that the political system in the United States works well
The United States> % of those who think that the US decision to withdraw all troops from Afghanistan in 2021 was the right decision
The United States> % of those who think that the US withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021 was handled well
The United States> % of those who approve US withdrawal from international climate change agreements by President Donald Trump
The United States> % of those who approve building a wall on the border between the U.S. and Mexico by President Donald Trump
The United States> % of those who approve U.S. withdrawal from the Iran nuclear weapons agreement by President Donald Trump
The United States> % of those who approve allowing fewer immigrants into the US by President Donald Trump
The United States> % of those who approve increasing tariffs or fees on imported goods from other countries by President Donald Trump
The United States> % of those who approve US negotiations with North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un about the countryfs nuclear weapons program by President Donald Trump
China> % of those who have a favorable opinion of China
China> % of those who think that China takes into account the interests of their country
China> % of those who think that China interferes in the affairs of other countries
China> % of those who think that China contributes to peace and stability around the world
China> % of those who think that the influence of China in the world is getting stronger
China> % of those who think that China is the worldfs leading economic power
China> % of those who think that the relations between China and their country is good
China> % of those who think that human rights should be prioritized over economic relations with China
China> % of those who think that Chinafs policies on human rights is a serious problem
China> % of those who think that the government of China respects the personal freedoms
China> % of those who think that Chinafs involvement in politics in their country is a serious problem
China> % of those who think that Economic competition with China is a serious problem
China> % of those who think that Chinafs military power is a serious problem
China> % of those who think that the universities of China are the best in the world
China> % of those who think that the standard of living of China is below the world average
China> % of those who think that the military of China is the best in the world
China> % of those who think that the technological achievements of China is the best in the world
China> % of those who think that the entertainment of China is the best in the world
China> % of those who have confidence in Chinese President Xi Jinping
Europe and others> % of those who have a favorable opinion of the European Union
Europe and others> % of those who think that the countries of the European Union are the worldfs leading economic power
Europe and others> % of those who have a favorable opinion of Germany
Europe and others> % of those who think that the influence of Germany in the world is getting stronger
Europe and others> % of those who have confidence in German Chancellor Angela Merkel
Europe and others> % of those who have confidence in German Chancellor Olaf Scholz
Europe and others> % of those who think that the influence of France in the world is getting stronger
Europe and others> % of those who have confidence in French President Emmanuel Macron
Europe and others> % of those who think that the influence of the United Kingdom in the world is getting stronger
Europe and others> % of those who have confidence in British Prime Minister Boris Johnson
Europe and others> % of those who have a favorable opinion of Russia
Europe and others> % of those who think that the influence of Russia in the world is getting stronger
Europe and others> % of those who have confidence in Russian President Vladimir Putin
Europe and others> % of those who have confidence in Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy
Europe and others> % of those who have a favorable opinion of iran
Europe and others> % of those who have a favorable opinion of India
Europe and others> % of those who think that the influence of India in the world is getting stronger
Europe and others> % of those who have confidence in Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi
Europe and others> % of those who have a favorable opinion of Taiwan
National identity> % of those willing to be the citizen of their own country
National identity> % of those who are satisfied with the way things are going in their country
National identity> % of those who feel ashamed of their country
National identity> % of those who think that their people would be a model of people from other countries
National identity> % of those who think that their own country is better than the others
National identity> % of those who support their country if it is wrong
National identity> % of those very or somewhat proud of their nationality
National identity> % of those who are less proud of their country than they would like to be
National identity> % of those who think that the world would be a better place if the people of their country acknowledged their country's shortcomings
National identity> % of those who are optimistic about the future of their country's culture
National identity> % of those who are proud of their country in its history
National identity> % of those who are proud of their country in its fair and equal treatment of all groups in society
National identity> % of those who agree that strong patriotic feelings in their country strengthen their country's place in the world
National identity> % of those who agree that strong patriotic feelings in their country lead to intolerance in their country
National identity> % of those who agree that strong patriotic feelings in their country are needed for their country to remain united
National identity> % of those who agree that strong patriotic feelings in their country lead to negative attitudes towards immigrants
National identity> % of those who think it is important to have been born in the country for being truly their national
National identity> % of those who think it is important to have the country's citizenship for being truly their national
National identity> % of those who think it is important to have lived in the country for most of one's life for being truly their national
National identity> % of those who think it is important to be able to speak the country's language for being truly their national
National identity> % of those who think it is important to belong to the country's religion for being truly their national
National identity> % of those who think it is important to share the country's customs and traditions for being truly their national
National identity> % of those who think it is important to respect the country's political institutions and laws for being truly their national
National identity> % of those who think it is important to feel the country's nationality for being truly their national
National identity> % of those who think it is important to have the country's ancestry for being truly their national
National identity> % of those who think it is essential that their country remains one
National identity> % of those who feel more like a citizen of the world than of any country
National identity> % of those who think that it is better to be open to changes regarding their country's traditions and way of life
Rank in the vertical direction
(Y/ dependent variable)
Politics and government
Population and Family
Economy and industry
Education and media
Science and technology
Environment and energy
International relations and national identity
Agriculture and Food
Leisure, culture and Sports