
Politics and government
Population and Family
Economy and industry
Education and media
Science and technology
Environment and energy
Geography> [13]
Biodiversity> [10]
Animals, environment and mankind> [16]
United States
% of those who think that human beings developed from animals (2000)46.2%
[6/6 countries]
% of those who think that human beings developed from animals (1993)48.1%
[7/7 countries]
% of those who think that animal testing is right (2000)56.6%
[4/6 countries]
% of those who think that animal testing is right (1993)66.1%
[1/7 countries]
% of those who think that modern life harms the environment (2010)50.5%
[5/9 countries]
% of those who think that modern life harms the environment (2000)45.7%
[6/6 countries]
% of those who think that modern life harms the environment (1993)51.5%
[4/7 countries]
% of those who think that environmental problems have a direct effect on their everyday life (2010)48.3%
[4/9 countries]
% of those who think that people worry too much about human progress harming the environment (2010)38.7%
[1/9 countries]
% of those who think that people worry too much about human progress harming the environment (2000)28.8%
[4/6 countries]
% of those who think that people worry too much about human progress harming the environment (1993)32.9%
[3/7 countries]
% of those who think that there are more important things in life than environment (2010)24.4%
[3/9 countries]
% of those who think that there are more important things in life than environment (2000)20.0%
[4/6 countries]
% of those who think that modern science will solve our environmental problems (2010)24.4%
[3/9 countries]
% of those who think that modern science will solve our environmental problems (2000)22.3%
[2/6 countries]
% of those who think that modern science will solve our environmental problems (1993)20.3%
[3/7 countries]
Environment and economy> [23]
Environmental protection> [51]
CO2 and energy> [12]
Energy> [7]
Nuclear and radioactivity> [9]
Environmental pollution> [24]
Waste and cleanness> [6]
International relations
Leisure and Sports