
Politics and government
Population and Family
Economy and industry
Education and media
Science and technology
Environment and energy
International relations
Body> [4]
Appearance> [1]
Exercise> [0]
Blood> [6]
Sleep> [3]
Eating> [3]
Smoking> [3]
Drug> [4]
Health status> [2]
Disease> [8]
Suicide> [33]
Health care system> [16]
Density of medical doctors (per 10,000 population) (2012-2020)24.4
[10/10 countries]
Density of nursing and midwifery personnel (per 10,000 population) (2012-2020)110.7
[7/10 countries]
Density of dentists (per 10,000 population) (2012-2020)6.6
[5/10 countries]
Density of pharmacists (per 10,000 population) (2012-2020)11.1
[4/9 countries]
Hospital beds (number per 1,000 population)2.5 (2019)
[8/10 countries]
Average length of stay days (2018)7.5
[6/10 countries]
Health expenditure (% of GDP) (2016)10.8%
[5/10 countries]
Population with household expenditures on health > 10% of total household expenditure or income (%) (2012-2020)3.5
[4/6 countries]
% of those who think that health care is the most important issue for their country (2010)42.9%
[1/8 countries]
% of those who agree that the government is responsible for providing health care for the sick (2006)96.2%
[3/7 countries]
% of those who agree that the government is responsible for providing health care for the sick (1996)94.1%
[5/7 countries]
% of those who would like to see more government spending in health (2006)77.1%
[4/7 countries]
% of those who would like to see more government spending in health (1996)55.6%
[6/7 countries]
% of those who think that the government is successful in health care (2006)48.9%
[2/7 countries]
% of those who think it is right that the rich can buy better health care (1999)22.1%
[4/8 countries]
% of those who think it is wrong that the rich can buy better health care (1999)60.1%
[5/8 countries]
Leisure and Sports