
Politics and government
Population and Family
Economy and industry
Education and media
Science and technology
Environment and energy
Geography> [13]
Surface area (square km) (2020)65,290
[123/215 countries]
Land area (sq. km) (2020)62,620
[121/216 countries]
Agricultural land (% of land area) (2020)47.0%
[67/209 countries]
Forest area (sq. km) (2020)22,010
[103/209 countries]
Forest area (% of land area) (2020)35.1%
[87/209 countries]
Coastline (km) (2019)90
[160/230 countries]
Population living in areas where elevation is below 5 meters (% of total population) (2015)1.5%
[141/172 countries]
Average yearly temperature (degrees Celsius) (1961-1990)6.2
[175/191 countries]
Average precipitation in depth (mm per year) (2019)656
[121/182 countries]
% of those who think that water shortage is the most important environmental problem for their country (2010)0.6%
[36/36 countries]
% of those who think that water shortage is the most important environmental problem for them and their family (2010)0.4%
[36/36 countries]
% of those who think that using up natural resources is the most important environmental problem for their country (2010)4.2%
[34/36 countries]
% of those who think that using up natural resources is the most important environmental problem for them and their family (2010)2.2%
[36/36 countries]
Biodiversity> [8]
Animals, environment and mankind> [5]
Environment and economy> [8]
Environmental protection> [25]
CO2 and energy> [8]
Energy> [0]
Nuclear and radioactivity> [3]
Environmental pollution> [14]
Waste and cleanness> [4]
International relations
Leisure and Sports